Putting integrative research into action!

It’s been awhile since I posted, but I have been in the thick of conducting my interviews and site surveys. I just finished this past week, having conducted 70 interviews and 46 site visits since mid-April! It’s been a whirlwind of long days journeying all over the countryside by car, foot and horseback and sharing cafes and agua dulces (a traditional warm sugar tea, for lack of a better description) with some extremely generous campesinos.

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Growing baby, growing challenges!

Ah, thinking back to our first days in Costa Rica….Reed sleeping peacefully by my side as I attended meetings, networked, spent time in the GIS lab, and enjoyed the precious moments of having a sweet little baby cuddled up in my lap. Both Casey and I continued to enjoy fairly regular work schedules, and we started feeling like we really had this parenting thing down.

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